

Mother, Healthcare Employee


I have a passion for planning and organizing. I love to plan parties and I swear I was the most spectacular event planner in my past life…lol. My clothes have taken me through different stages of my life. From childhood to motherhood, wife to single woman starting anew. I have been through a lot of ups and downs in my life so my only goal right now is to be at my happiest, be at total peace with myself and silence any insecurities I might have. My proudest moment began on July 30, 1992 at 12:26 a.m. That was the moment I became a mother. It was the moment I instantaneously became selfless making the promise to my daughter that I was going to be the best mother I could possibly be and nurture her to become the amazing woman she is today. She continues to make me proud every day of my life. The most powerful thing about being a woman is that we are EVERYTHING rolled into one. We go through a lot sometimes and we are able to keep everything together for our families. I became a contributor for ThreadConnection not only because I believe in my daughter’s vision, but because I think it is beautiful to find a new way for women to connect and the fact that a portion of the proceeds goes to a domestic violence resource is wonderful. The message I hope to send to other women is no matter how difficult something may seem at the time, you will make it through. Things will get easier and the harder you fight, the quicker you will get there. The thread that connects us all is resilience. We go through a lot, but our ability to bounce back stronger than ever is what makes me the most proud of being a woman.